Oct 21. – 25. 2024 10 – 11:30h / local training exchange
32,11% imagination
7,92 % distraction
15,40% visualisation
6,88% mulitasking
3,64% frustration
12,97% repetition
8,00% improvisation
1,86% demontation
11,22% exhaustion
= 100% (im)possibilities
studio: BBA, Sonnenstr. 7, first floor
short bio:
Sophie Charlotte completed her training as a dancer at Iwanson International in Munich and studied theatre studies at LMU Munich and at Stockholm University. As a freelance artist, she works with the kollektiv anderer tanz Würzburg, MaZe Company (Emese Nagy), Thorsten Krohn, Johannes Härtl and Joanne Leighton, among others and accepts commissions, for example for the state theatre Ingolstadt or the Kulturbühne Spagat. Her latest project HYPERREALITY, was shown at Schwere Reiter in fall 2022.
Sophie Charlotte absolvierte ihre Ausbildung zur Bühnentänzerin bei Iwanson International in München und studierte außerdem Theaterwissenschaften an der LMU München und an der Universität Stockholm. Als freischaffende Künstlerin arbeitet sie u.a. mit kollektiv anderer tanz Würzburg, der MaZe Company (Emese Nagy), Thorsten Krohn, Johannes Härtl und Joanne Leighton zusammen und nimmt Auftragsarbeiten, beispielsweise für das Staatstheater Ingolstadt oder die Kulturbühne Spagat an. Ihr letztes Projekt HYPERREALITY war Ende 2022 im schwere Reiter zu sehen.
class description:
The Impossible Body
Can I forget about my own body? And if, why would I like that? I’m inviting all participants to spin that question in their heads…and bodies.
Through improvisations, thought experiments, repetition and overload I want to create a reality without physical boarders that will enable us to dive deep into the yet unknown (im)possibilities of our bodies.
The goal is to erase all affinities and structures in order to get comfortable in the impossible!
My professional class usually starts with a movement meditation that brings the body and mind to the right place. Followed by different tasks that trigger overload, exhaustion and frustration. Why? In order to free the body from habits and structures that keep it from unleashing its full potential. Once this step is taken, we will experiment with new structures and movement patterns, and we will experience where the impossible body will take us.
preferred pronouns: she/her oder sie/ihr.
instagram: @sophiecharlottebecker
professional training/local training exchange
time: Monday – Friday 9:30h – 11:00h
price: 5, – € per class or 20, – € for the whole week.
location: Bavaria Ballet Academy, BBA, Sonnenstr. 7, first floor
current class rules
• space limited
• first come first serve
• no late entries to class
previously at Bad Lemons:
Apr 22. – 26. 2024 9:30 – 11h / local training exchange