
Driven by the belief that professional dance artists need access to continuous high-quality training, a meeting space and shared experiences Jasmine Ellis founded Bad Lemons Project for the independent dance scene in Munich. By providing professional training, training exchange and research projects a current and vibrant dance scene is promoted and strengthened. 

Professional Training / Bad Lemons Project
Bad Lemons Project provides continuous affordable professional contemporary dance training. The initiative is known for bringing exciting internationally reputable artists to teach in Munich. 

The series of classes takes place once/twice a month, Monday to Friday, 10:00 am – 11:30 am. Each of these week-long training blocks is taught by different international visiting artists and takes place at a professional level. The continuation of affordable professional training enriches and strengthens network structures and artistic exchanges both within Munich and with international dancers and choreographers.

Bad Lemons training follows the momentum of Munich DancePAT which offered professional training to the community from 2016-2018 and was co-directed by Jasmine Ellis & Katrin Schafitel collaborating with Tanztendenz München eV. Bad Lemons strives to continue this good thing for the community.

Local Training Exchange / Bad Lemons Project
Training exchange focuses on Munich-based teachers sharing training practices. It strengthens connections and growth opportunities in the Munich freelance dance community as a place to experience shared solidarity and continued artistic growth. The series of classes take place one week a month, from Monday to Friday 10:00 am – 11:30 am. The cost to professionals is 5€ a class or 20€ for a week block.

Research Project / Bad Lemons Project
Due to the high demand for a more intensive collaboration with visiting artists, Bad Lemons offers studio space for the artists to exchange ideas, research, and create on/with local Munich artists. Visiting artists have access to the Bad Lemons community of local Munich dance artists, from which they can select individuals for collaborative work. The results of the work-in-progress creations can be presented publicly at the end of each week.

Professional Munich-based artists interested in collaborating with the Bad Lemons Project in any one of these areas can email badlemonsdance@gmail.com.

Artistic Director:  Jasmine Ellis
Guest Artistic Director 2023 & 2024 & 2025 – Susanne Schneider
Project Management: Sophie Thuma, Laura Martegani, Rat&Tat Kulturbüro
Project Support/Social Media: Laura Manz
Sign-In Support: Eléonore Bovet, Wiebke Dobers, Emmanuelle Rizzo, Anastasia Lyubinksi, Erica D’Amico, Aurora Bonetti, Jula Hoffmann, Chiara Görig
contact: badlemonsdance@gmail.com

Bad Lemons Projects is very excited to announce Susanne Schneider will be the guest artistic director for the 2023, 2024 & 2025 seasons. After 7 years of curating the teachers that offer professional classes in Munich director Jasmine Ellis is excited to hand over the reins to Susanne, as new approaches and perspectives can only help to foster a stronger free scene for all!

Previous teachers include:
Renan Martins (Brazil/Heidelberg), Cyril Baldy (France), Alessandra Corti (Italy), Johanna Richter (Munich), Tina Halford (Freiburg), Verena Pircher (Countertechnique),  David Hernandez (Spain),  João Santiago (Munich), Josh Haines, Laura Vilar (Barcelona),  Paula Niehoff (Munich), Antoni Androulakis (Brussels), Laura Saumweber  (Munich), Michael Loehr (Berlin),  Marta Rak (Munich/Croatia),  Laura Manz  (Munich), Heidi Vierthaler , Aron Nowak  (Munich/Hannover), Chris-Pascal Englund-Braun (Munich), Winston Reynolds, Lukas Malkowski (Berlin/Canda), Victor Rottier (Kassel), Búi Rouch (Faroe Islands), Sebastian Zuber, Matteo Carvone (Munich) , Merryn Kritzinger (Montreal), Amos Ben-Tal / OFF projects (Amsterdam), Zoe Gyssler(DE), Nil Teisner (Munich), Diego Tortelli  (Munich, Italy), Kwame Asafo-Adjei / Spoken Movement (London), Zoe Gyssler, Alexandra Wells / IMAGE TECH (New York), Sidra Bell ( New York), Ami Shulman (Montreal), Tamara Gvozdenovic (Switzerland), Breeanne Saxton (Berlin), Yael Cibulski (Isreal), Chiang-Mei Wang (Munich), Cristina D’Alberto (Munich), Shannon Leypoldt (Berlin), Samuel Minguillon (Amsterdam), Shaked Dagan (Isreal), Annie Gagnon / Rehearsal Director Compagnie Marie Chouinard. (Montreal), Akira Yoshida ( ) , Dante Murillo, Daphna Horenczyk (Vienna), Daina Ashbee \ Dance Festival (Montreal), Emese Nagy/ MA•ZE Dance Company (Budapest), David Russo (Munich), Daniela Bendini (Munich), Manuel Molino / Complex Simplicity (Berlin)

2022 OASIS PROJECT – learn all about our big project from 2022/23 in collaboration with TanzQuelle!

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